Wednesday 9 June 2010

I am so behind...

...with my blogging ~ again! These photos were taken in the garden a couple of Sundays ago:

I put Amber's outside bed in the shadiest part of the garden, since she insists on going out there even when it is close to 30 C! She was nodding off to sleep with the sun shining on her sweet little face ~ she is such a cutie-pie :-)

When I took the cover off the garden umbrella for the first time this year, I was very surprised to find this little colony of lichen. I had never thought of it growing on fabric before! I'm really interested now to see how large the colony becomes over time.

Ethel~Maud clambered up the metal stand in the raised bed and sat in the hanging-lantern to get a bird's eye view of the gnome hamlet ;-) She is as mystified as I am as to where they have gone! She is hoping they will return as she liked to go and visit them all.

Just look at the gnome hamlet ~ it is well and truly deserted and really looks quite terrible! It has very quickly been taken over by self-sown poppies and weeds. Like Ethel~Maud, I have no idea where the gnomes have gone ~ they didn't even leave me a goodbye note! I wonder if they will ever return...

This columbine is growing quite happily right in the middle of my mess of a back garden :-) I don't mind finding self-sown flowers; if something is growing where I don't want it to, then I just pull it up. This has lots of greenfly on it ~ I do hope the ladybirds put in an appearance soon! Mind you, we have had sparrows visiting the garden and judging by the way they have been swinging on the various plants and shrubs, I think they are picking off the little insects.

Prudence had a good look at the gnome hamlet ~ not that she is actually supposed to be on my raised beds, mind you!

Miss Prudence also very graciously took time to demonstrate how beautifully balanced she is, from the tip of her tail feathers to the end of her pecky little beak!

Abigail and Babs spent a good deal of time in another of the raised beds, no doubt discussing the benefits of living with a human who has let her garden run wild!

Babs very kindly posed for the camera ~ showing her best side, of course.

I don't know what it was that caught Prudence's eye but by the way she suddenly shot over to the pot, it must have been something very tasty LOL

As you can see, this pretty cyclamen isn't in the garden ~ it's actually sitting on my kitchen windowsill. It has had a rest and is now starting to bloom again :-) I really need to re-pot it but will have to wait now until it's finished flowering.

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