Monday 17 October 2011

Busy busy busy!

By the end of last week, sweetie~pies, I admit that I felt just like the housewife in the picture above looks!

I simply couldn't stand it any longer so I girded my loins and finally tackled my bulging wardrobe and chest of drawers.  The sight of the mess each time I opened up a drawer or the wardrobe doors was seriously getting on my nerves, my loves, so I just decided to jump straight in and sort it all out.  Naturally, since I did this on the spur of the moment, it didn't occur to me to take before and after photos *rolls eyes* but you can take my word for it when I tell you that it was most definitely not a pretty sight!

I pulled out everything that was hanging in the wardrobe first and piled it high on the bed.  You wouldn't believe the variety of sizes I had in there, sweetie~pies ~ in the end, I filled two dustbin liners with smaller sizes!  Since I am determined to shed this excess weight I decided to hang on to these clothes ~ they are now safely stored up in the loft until I need them :-)  And not only were there the differing size issues to sort through, there were also the why-am-I-keeping-this-hideous-garment questions to be answered!  In the end, I filled six or seven carrier-bags for the charity shop with clothes I really don't care for.  A lot of these items were things that my Mum had passed on to me but I have to confess there were a handful of "what-was-I-thinking" clothes I had bought for myself LOL

Daisy thought it was all terribly exciting ~ she kept racing up and down the stairs, into the bedroom, into the wardrobe, climbing in the chest of drawers when I had taken a drawer out to sort through!  She also had to thoroughly examine each and every pile I had set out on the bed ~ from all angles, including trying to burrow beneath them.  And, of course, she also had to try them out to see which was the most comfy for a potential snooze.  She looked like she was reenacting fairytale scenes which were a cross between Goldilocks and The Princess and the Pea!

I also sorted out my shoes and handbags, plus all the things in my chest of drawers.  Two days it took me, my loves, two whole days!  I was absolutely pooped by the time I'd worked my way through it all, I can tell you.  But my word, it felt SO good to get the job done ~ and every time I open the wardrobe or a drawer, I'm still smiling

By the way, sweetie~pies, just in case you may be interested I have put some items in my ebay store:

I still have things to list from this first down-sizing/sorting out exercise and will be gradually doing a few more each day :-)

I am sure you noticed that magic little word "first" in the sentence above ;-)  Oh yes indeedy, my loves, this bedroom clear out is just the beginning!  I have decided that the time has come to work my way around the whole of the house.

Watch this space for more exciting ~ well, it is for me at any rate ;-) ~ updates! 


Sharon said...

It IS such a job, isn't it? When I had my first Hazel, a whole lot of bags went to the Shelter. I didn't keep any smaller clothes, I figured, if I lost weight, I deserved new clothes. :-)

Sandi said...

Well done Sharon:)