Wednesday 8 February 2012

A little bit of random and some faux flower love...

Some days, my loves, Matty and Nikki like to share the same sleeping space :-)

And they both like to toast their furry little bottoms!

These blue tits were in our back garden for quite some time which, was so lovely as we don't usually see many out there these days.

The gave my butterfly bush a good doing over and were hanging off the side of the shed too ~ but I wasn't quick enough to capture a picture of that.  They sure are little acrobats!

And this photo was taken through the living room window ~ which goes some way to explain why it is a little fuzzy.  At first I thought this was a blackbird as we have one who regularly visits our front garden but on closer inspection I rather think it was a thrush.  It sat in my holly bush, helping itself to the berries.  It had quite a feast, I can tell you ~ the poor bush is now utterly bereft of berries!

I know some folk find them tacky and/or terribly twee and kitsch, sweetie~pies, but I confess that I rather like my faux flowers ;-)

I think these faux carnations look rather sweet in this pretty tin :-)

I have had a wee bit of a change-around with some of my houseplants and the camellias which were in the kitchen are now residing on the living room windowsill.  I'm so happy to see that this one is coming into bloom again this year.

No, not faux flowers this time but real daffodils ~ this week's purchase with my Tesco shopping.  I have some more on the living room windowsill and every time I look at the pretty yellow blooms it makes me smile :-)

1 comment:

Jenna said...

your pups look so cozy by the fire :o)
I like faux flowers to, they last a long time and you don't have to water them...LOL! I hope your having a wonderful day Sharon! Hugs Jennifer