Monday 10 February 2014

The wanderer returns...

Walking in the Rain
by David Cowden

So here I am once more, back to where I started.  I've taken a little trip around the blogosphere but couldn't settle in any of those new blogs I thought I needed to start.  Perhaps I simply needed to get away from myself for a while; maybe I should have just taken a little vacation from blogging instead of trying to make "a fresh start".  It has to be said that fresh starts are all well and good, if that's what one really wants and needs, but sometimes it is better to face ourselves head-on and simply accept that there may well be periods in our lives when we feel stale, out-of-sorts, or just can't-be-bothered.

I don't know if you have missed me ~ more to the point, I don't know if any of you even remember me!  I'd like to think that you are pleased to see me back here again, and that you will forgive my wanderings.  I've missed this little 'ole blog of mine; in the deepest recesses of my heart, I knew that Lavender and Pearls was my own cosy little corner of the blogging world, that those other interlopers wouldn't last because this is where I feel most at home.  I realise now that I just needed to shake things up a little, not go off somewhere else entirely ~ but that's me, I'm afraid, something of an "all or nothing" kind of girl.

Whilst all the original Lavender and Pearls posts are still here, I have changed some things.  I will also be importing the posts from my last blog-incarnation but will only post a few a day ~ no doubt you'll be relieved to hear that!

I am so very happy to be back home again...  


Serenata said...

Hello there! Welcome back to this blog - I didn't know where you had gone, so lovely to see a post from you.

SharonLarkin said...

Thank you so much, sweetie ~ it feels good to be back :-)