Tuesday 23 February 2016

Latest WIP

Very true, don't you think?  Just the simple repetitive action of a straightforward crochet pattern can be extremely soothing to one's soul :-)

This is a corner-to-corner blanket I am currently working on for my Mum.  She chose the colours she wanted and I'm hoping to finally have it finished for her birthday on 25th August ~ it seems to be taking me an awfully long while to get it done!  The trouble is that I keep getting distracted by other things LOL  I think one more set of the colour repeats will see it at the width Mum wants, then I shall turn the square into a rectangle for the length she would like it to be.  I sort of wish I had made the stripes wider, though, so that there would be fewer ends to sew in.  Oh well, perhaps I had better make the effort to sew them in along one edge at least before I crochet anymore, otherwise there are going to an awful lot to do if I leave it until the blanket is finished!

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